Learning music, writing, and other topics is a difficult task to do outside of school and without any external help or tutoring.

That's why T4C's new blog is focused on democratizing knowledge to provide you, the student, with the resources to learn, practice, and teach yourself crucial skills while outside the classroom. We are always uploading new articles and exploring new areas, so check back often and happy learning!

Articles and Resources

Fundamentals of Learning Piano (By: Jeremy Mische-Gibson)

Fundamentals of Learning Piano (By: Jeremy Misc...

So you want to learn to play piano?  It’s a long road ahead, and not all smooth. Not everyone has the passion or courage to stick with it. But I’m confident...

Fundamentals of Learning Piano (By: Jeremy Misc...

So you want to learn to play piano?  It’s a long road ahead, and not all smooth. Not everyone has the passion or courage to stick with it. But I’m confident...